The following is a list of all the named characters in the novel An Involuntary King: A Tale of Anglo Saxon England. I have marked all the characters who had their origins in the old stories.
Characters in Novel
can be found in the old stories and in the novel
old names for characters in both the old stories and the novel
Ælflynn - Healer at Grantham
Aldwin of Sleaford - A thegn whose identity Lawrence uses
Alfgar - King Arneth's aide de camp
Alric - A captain in Lawrence's army
Ansovald - Lawrence's oldest friend, a Frank
Arneth the elder - Father of Lawrence and Arneth the younger
Arneth the younger - Elder brother of Lawrence, ætheling of Críslicland
Athelwick - Lawrence's commanding officer, later a commander in his armies
Atheric - One of Malcolm's commanders
Botopher of Skirbeck - Nephew of Earl Guthlac of Skirbeck, later earl of Skirbeck, commander in Lawrence's armies
Caithness - Daughter of Lawrence and Josephine, twin to Elaine
Cedric the Metalsmith - A craftsman of Lawrencium
Ceretic of Keito Uxello - Uncle of Josephine and Lorin, husband of Modron, father of Ruallauh, Cingen, and Ioruert, Earl of Keito Uxello
Cingen ap Ceretic - Son of Earl Ceretic and Modron, cousin of Josephine and Lorin
Clotuyali - Steward of Keito Uxello
Colum - Officer in O'Donnell's guard
Crawler - Bandit
Cynewulf, Bishop - Bishop of Lindisfarne and poet, historical figure
Douglas - One of O'Donnell's chief officers
Eaba - Wife of Earl Harold
Eban - Crísliclandian spy at Cross Gates
Edith - Mother of Lawrence and Arneth the younger, wife of King Arneth, queen of Críslicland
Edred - Earl Harold of Grantham's scout, later Lawrence's aide de camp
Edwærd - Father of Josephine and Lorin, King of Affynshire
Edwin of Skirbeck - One of the men under Lawrence's command when he was a junior officer
Elaine - Daughter of Lawrence and Josephine, twin to Caithness
Elerde of Leon - Elerde of Brittany - Mercenary lord from Brittany , part of Malcolm's cabal, confederate of Gadfrid, in love with Josephine
Eormenthryth - Healer
Ethelberga - Old woman of Ratherwood
Ethelfrith - Governor General of Affynshire under Lawrence
Finn O'Donnell - Finnegan O'Donnell - Ulster mercenary lord, part of Malcolm's cabal
Gadfrid of Tetforde - Gaylorde - Son of Nifhmund, cousin of Lawrence
Godgifu - Little girl at bandit camp
Greta - Sister of Hild
Gulda - Tavern wench in Hucknall
Gunnilde - Wife of Earl Sagar
Guthlac of Skirbeck - Earl of Skirbeck
Gwenlian - Wife of Ansovald
Harold of Grantham - Earl of Grantham
Heraral - One of Elerde's trusted lieutenants
Hild - Young woman in Grantham, lover of Shannon O'Neill
Horsa of East Anglia - Chief commander of King Arneth's and then King Lawrence's armies
Ioruert ap Ceretic - Son of Earl Ceretic and Modron, cousin of Josephine and Lorin
Ishaq of Andalusia - Shannon's and Rory's music master when they were lads, former lover of O'Donnell
Jack - Leader of the bandits
Josephine (Sunshine) - Daughter of King Edwæed of Affynshire, wife of Lawrence, queen of Críslicland
Kira - Serving woman at Grantham
Lagu - One of Lord Elerde's trusted lieutenants
Larisa - Daughter of Lawrencium cloth merchant, betrothed of Lorin
Lark - Bandit
Lawrence - Son of King Arneth and Queen Edith, later King of Críslicland
Llaenawc, Father - Josephine's confessor
Lorin - Brother of Josephine, son of King Edwærd
Louuen - Officer of Lord Elerde's mercenary troop
Luco Treni - Leader of the lapsed Celtic lords of Affynshire
Madoc - Boatman who helps Lorin and Larisa escape
Maegwig of Cross Gates - Earl of Cross Gates, pretender to the throne of Affynshire
Maeldoi - Officer of Lord Elerde's mercenary troop
Malcolm of Horsfort - Earl of Horsfort, leader of cabal that takes Affynshire
McBride - O'Donnell's officer left in charge of Keito Uxello
Modron - Wife of Earl Ceretic , mother of Ruallah, Cingen and Ioruert, aunt of Josephine and Lorin
Mouse - Bandit
Nifhmund of Tetforde - Claudius - Brother of King Arneth, father of Gadfrid
Oswald - One of the men under Lawrence's command when he was a junior officer
Pede - One of Lawrence's officers
Peter - Eldest son of King Lawrence and Queen Josephine
Petronius - Master stone mason and builder
Rædwald - One of the men under Lawrence's command when he was a junior officer
Ricbeorht of Flanders - Flemish mercenary lord, part of Malcolm's cabal
Ricca - Gadfrid's concubine
Rioch - Officer of Lord Elerde's mercenary troop
Roddy MacDhui - O'Donnell's chief lieutenant and lover. In original stories he is the lover of Samir al Tamid who is not in the novel.
Ronan - Percy - Housecarl in Lawrence's household
Rory McGuinness - A bard from Ulster, Ireland, friend of Shannon O'Neill, Irish Gaelic: Ruári Maghunasadh.
Rowena - Serving woman at the Palace of Sunshine
Ruallauh ap Ceretic - Eldest son of Earl Ceretic and Modron, cousin of Josephine and Lorin, later King of Affynshire, a master archer
Sagar of Lincoln - Earl of Lincoln, commander in Crísliclandian army
Sceftwine - Officer in Lawrence's army
Seaxwulf - Earl Sagar's steward
Shannon O'Neill - A bard from Ulster, Ireland, friend of Rory McGuinness, Irish Gaelic: Siánnone ui Níal
Stump - Bandit
Sven Ormtngel - Svvea (Sweden) mercenary lord, part of Malcolm's cabal
Tavish - Son of Ansovald and Gwenlian. In old stories he is the bastard son of Lawrence and a Welsh woman named lanimere.
Teoful - Dissenting member of Lawrence's council
Thrydulf - Usurper at Grantham
Urm - Right-hand man to Gadfrid
War-Brother - Lawrence's war horse
Willihad, Brother - Missionary to the Frisians, historical figure
Wulfstan - Gadfrid's crony at LingcolnJust some of the characters in the old stories that did not make it into the novel:
Anne - Lorin's first wife
Christophe - a French (sic) courtier
Clancy O'Neill - Shannon's youngest brother, Lawrence's page
Deidre - daughter of Shannon and Heather
Emily - wife of Sean of Connery
Falni - Norse woman, sister of Ranigg, Shannon's lover
Heather O'Nill - wife of Shannon
Jocelyn - Josephine's friend, betrothed of Sir Percy
Juliana - courtesan, mistress of Lawrence
Kathleen O'Neill - Shannon's sister
Lachrimae - a French (sic) princess - pictured right
Lanimere - mother of Tavish and Mistress of Lawrence
Laurie - Lorin's and Ann's adopted daighter
Llewellyn ap Cador - Welsh chief who offers Lawrence and court sanctuary
Lorelei - Lawrence's sister
Marie - Lawrence and Josephine's adopted daughter
Peter of Connery - Sean's brother
Ranigg - Norse fisherman who rescues Shannon from drowning
Tomorrow there will be a snap quiz. Just kidding!
Rolance - Josephine's son with Roland as a reult of the rape
Roland - Lawrence's younger brother
Ronald O'Neill - Shannon's brother
Samir Al Tamid - a Saracen warrior fighting for Lawrence
Seamus O'Neill - Shannon's bastard son
Sean of Connery - a Scottish minstrel
Virginie - a French (sic) lady
Before there was the novel, there were the stories...
by Nan Hawthorne, who also writes under Christopher Hawthorne Moss, Books and Stories b ChristopherHawthorne Moss at
Friday, June 12, 2009
Characters In An Involuntary King: A Tale of Anglo Saxon England
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Nan Hawthorne now writes under the name Christopher Hawthorne Moss. You can contact Christopher at .
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